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Introduction to blob storage

Azure blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, Azure blob storage provides the object storage solution for the cloud. Azure blob storage can store any type of data like text, file, objects, binary, etc.

Blob storage is designed for:
1- Serving images or documents directly to a browser.
2- Storing files for distributed access.
3- Streaming video and audio.
4- Writing to log files.
5- Storing data for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving.
6- Storing data for analysis by an on-premises or Azure-hosted service.

You can easily access the object in blob storage via HTTP/HTTPS, from anywhere. You can also access objects through Azure Storage REST API, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or an Azure Storage client library. Here client library means the language/platform like .NET, Node.js, Python, Go, PHP, and Ruby, etc.

Types of Blob storage

Block blobs store text and binary data, up to about 4.7 TB. Block blobs are made up of blocks of data that can be managed individually.

Append blobs are made up of blocks like block blobs but are optimized for append operations. Append blobs are ideal for scenarios such as logging data from virtual machines.

Page blobs store random access files up to 8 TB in size. Page blobs store the virtual hard drive (VHD) files that serve as disks for Azure virtual machines.

For more details about Block blobs, Append blobs and Page blobs please click here

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